, is a professional transaction platform. It is leading the way in safe, reliable and trustworthy escrow services and will be for many years to come. reduces the risk of fraud by acting as a trusted third-party that collects, holds and only disperses funds when both Buyers and Sellers are satisfied.
Advantages: Professional, convenient, fast and low cost.
Fee: 3.25% ($25.00 minimum), and 0.26% of amount over $5000.
Transaction Process:
1. Visit the domain you want to buy. As shown above, click the【Escrow Buy】button.
2. After jumping to, agrees to the transaction terms.
3. Pay to, then Escrow verifies the payment.
4. We transfer the domain name to you according to the transfer method of your choice.
5. You confirm that you have received the domain name on
6. releases funds and pay to us.
Well, congratulations! Transaction is complete safely and securely.
Note: The page of Inquiry Domain does not display the purchase button before determining the transaction price. Please contact us for inquiry before purchase.
Further Explanations:
▪ If you do not have an account, you can register one at
▪ For more details about transaction of Escrow, please refer to: How Does Escrow Work
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